Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Microsoft Lumia 650 May Be Last Lumia Smartphone

Per a recent report on Windows Central it seems Microsoft will release the Lumia 650 on February 1st but isn’t make a big deal about it. In fact, “sources” report that this may be the end of the line for the Lumia series which will be replaced by the new Surface phone being worked on.

Now Microsoft hasn’t confirmed this rumor at all so it may be just that, rumor. Though it makes sense that they would be doing away with the Lumia series at least in name. At least for branding purposes. If the rumors are to be believed Microsoft will be concentrating on the “Panos Phone” or what’s being referred to as the Surface Phone.

The Surface Pro has been a popular item in the tablet/laptop world. In an industry dominated by the likes of Apple and Samsung, Microsoft lucked out with this device being a surprise hit. So it makes sense that they would be looking to re-brand their smartphone line with the “Surface” moniker.
It’s not like the Lumia has been the star jewel in their crown. Its underwhelming sales are only indicative of the fact that Microsoft was “too little, too late” when they finally arrived to the smartphone market. I mean they literally just bought the Lumia from Nokia. Seemed a bit lazy to me.
Now, I’ll be honest, I’ve never tried using any of the phones in the Lumia series, I’m just looking at statistics and voting for the most popular kid as the homecoming king. Label me a “follower” or a “drone” but I’m comfortable with the iPhone.
But if Microsoft can somehow make this Surface phone work as a real competitor in the ring then maybe they still have a shot. Maybe the idea of a Windows phone isn’t totally dead. Maybe the concept shouldn’t just be tossed out the “window.” (Bad pun, I know. I’ll be here all week.)
We’ll have to wait until February 1st to see if any of this “news” pans out. We may even have to wait until the World Mobile Congress a few weeks later before we hear Microsoft’s smartphone plan. Hopefully they don’t keep us in mystery too long. I want to see what they can pull off.

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